Glass Lampworking (or Flameworking) is an art form that comes from thousands of years of history, spanning multiple continents. Unlike offhand glassblowing, the flameworker uses a torch to melt and shape the molten material by blowing while using a variety of tools and hand movements. The final product is then annealed in a kiln overnight at 1050 degrees Farenheight.
At Lammi Glass we specialize in using borosilicate glass which has a higher melting point (3000 dregrees Farenheight) and very low thermal expansion coefficient compared to other common types of glass. This makes the material more expensive to use but it is also more resistant to thermal shock allowing the finished products to resist extreme changes in temperature that would be promblematic with other glass materials. Thanks to this, borosilicate glass has become the superior choice for functional glass artists as the material has the ability to go straight from a freezer to an oven rack without cracking. This means you can also pour boiling hot water into the glass without worrying about shattering or cracking the material.